Thursday 13 February 2014


Faith was a gift I hadn't received until very recently. Throughout my childhood and my youth I always perceived religion to be a very complicated concept incomprehensible to the average man. I was brought up in a Hindu household and found myself involved in all the extensive rituals and customs which the religion commanded. I would always pray as my parents asked me to but my mind had a vast array of questions which always went unanswered - Why the extravagant displays of devotion ? Why pray only in the temple and not at home ? Why pray to an idol ? Why the superstitions ? Why is the Bhagvad Gita not referred when a religious question is put forth ? Who are these God-men who claim to have attained the highest level of spirituality and why is it that they preach different messages ? and the list of inquiries became longer as the years went by, but the biggest question of all -Why so many Gods ? - always bothered me. All these unanswered queries made me agnostic.

My journey began right after I completed my graduation and stepped into the shoes of a software professional. I had a difficult time during the second half of 2013. I was not good at my job cause of my lack of experience in the field, I lost the girl I loved, and found myself with almost no friends by my side at this time This was also around the same time Sir Alex Ferguson retired. I know it seems funny now, but it was a hard time for United fans and it couldn't come at a worse time for me personally. All this whining, complaining and being frustrated throughout the day lead me to question my existence and God's ways. I became desperate for guidance. This is when I decided to abandon the customary practices and rituals of my religion and began to believe in one single God. This is when my life changed forever

One of my closest friends, Mugais Jahangir, is a Muslim and he had a spare copy of the Quran which he asked me to hold on to for a while. I did not think much about this sign from God. As the days went by, I found myself picking up the Quran in a moment of need. This was the first time I was going to explore the message of God. I began to read the Quran every morning before I began my day and found myself inexplicably becoming calmer in life. I began to find joy in the things I was asked to do at work and also received inspiration to reconnect with old friends. Within a couple of weeks, I was neither lonely nor a castaway at work. Things were looking up.

I went back to my friend Mugais and questioned him about Islam and the story of God and for the first time in my life my curiosity was sufficed. He pointed out to me verses in the Quran and different signs and miracles of Allah. It was now that the message hit me and I came to the realization that God was always by my side throughout my life, I was just too busy cribbing and being ungrateful for the things I was blessed with. The feeling, when the message of God hits you, is one that is unparalled. I realised that no problem in my life was too big and no task too difficult. I was ready to dive into Islam and embrace the Prophet Muhammad's (May peace be on him) as the last and final messenger of God.

In this state of enlightenment and peace I took the pledge of Islam. The taking of the pledge, another moment every Muslim will remember forever in his/her life. After having said the words in English and Arabic. I took a bath physically and spiritually. I felt peace like no other, a feeling of strength and humility engulfed me. I felt close to God. I knew in that moment I had received the guide to living life in the best way. This feeling is different for different people. The journey is also different for different people. God guides people the way he pleases. But the message of the Quran is one that is constant, its God's order to us. One that I believe completely now and one that I will obey all my life. I am now a believer. I am now a Muslim.



  1. Alhamdulillah. Welcome to Islam brother. May Allah bless you with a good life and better hereafter. Remember me in your supplications and ask Allah to strengthen my Islam and make us among the people who follow Allah's messenger and Companions of Prophet pbuh. Indeed, Allah is with those who strive for truth and are patient.


    1. Alhamdulillah Thank you so much. I pray that Allah's guidance and mercy may be upon all of us who believe and that on the day of judgement we stand in his shadow. May peace be on all of us

